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Notification Configuration

Nezha Monitoring supports monitoring server load, CPU, memory, disk, traffic, monthly traffic, process count, and connection count, and sending notifications when user-defined thresholds are reached.

Flexible Notification Methods

  • In Dashboard messages, the placeholder #DATETIME# represents the timestamp of the event. When the notification is triggered, the Dashboard automatically replaces #DATETIME# with the actual event time.
  • #NEZHA# is a placeholder for Dashboard messages, and the Dashboard automatically replaces the placeholder with the actual message when the notification is triggered.
  • The body content is in JSON format: When the request type is FORM, the value is in key:value form, and placeholders can be placed inside value. The placeholders will be automatically replaced during notification. When the request type is JSON, only simple string replacement is performed before being submitted to the URL.
  • Placeholders can also be placed inside the URL, and simple string replacement will be performed during the request.

Refer to the following notification method examples, and you can also flexibly set the push method according to your needs.

Bark Example

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  • Name: Bark

  • URL structure: /:key/:body or /:key/:title/:body or /:key/:category/:title/:body

  • Request Method: GET

  • Request Type: Default

  • Body: Empty

  • Name: Bark

  • URL structure: /push

  • Request Method: POST

  • Request Type: form

  • Body: {"title": "#SERVER.NAME#","device_key":"xxxxxxxxx","body":"#NEZHA#","icon":"https://xxxxxxxx/nz.png"}

Slack Example Contributor: @白歌

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URL Parameter Acquisition Instructions

Prepare your Slack Workspace in advance and create an App for this Workspace. If you have not created one, you can create an App at Slack API.

After creating the App, you need to add an Incoming Webhook to the App. In the App's settings page, find Incoming Webhooks, enable Activate Incoming Webhooks, and at the bottom of the page, find and click Add New Webhook to Workspace, choose a Channel, and click Allow. After creating, you will get a Webhook URL, which you will use to replace the example URL below.

Telegram Example Contributor: @白歌

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URL Parameter Acquisition Instructions

Create a bot in Telegram and get the bot's token and your Telegram user ID.

The token and user ID are alphanumeric strings. You can get your user ID by chatting with @userinfobot on Telegram. Create a bot by chatting with @BotFather, and you will get the bot's token.

Replace botXXXXXX with your bot token and YYYYYY with your user ID in the URL below. Note that you need to chat with the bot first, otherwise the bot cannot send messages to you.

Email Notification Example - Outlook Contributor: @白歌

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Note: SendCloud has a daily free email sending limit. This is just an example. You can choose a paid service or other similar free services. The usage method is similar.

URL Parameter Acquisition Instructions

This example uses SendCloud as the email service. You need to register an account on SendCloud, create a sender email, and then obtain the APIUSER and APIKEY here.

Replace <replaceAPIUSER> and <replaceAPIKEY> in the example URL below with your APIUSER and APIKEY, and replace <customSenderEmail> and <customRecipientEmail> with any sender and recipient email addresses.

  • Name: MS Mail Notification
  • URL:
  • Request method: POST
  • Request type: JSON
  • Header: {"Content-type":"application/json", "Authorization":"Bearer {Token}"}
  • Body:
      "message": {
          "subject": "Server Status Notification",
          "body": {
          "contentType": "Text",
          "content": "#NEZHA#"
          "toRecipients": [
              "emailAddress": {
                  "address": "ADDRESS FOR RECEVING EMAILS"

DingTalk Group Bot Configuration Example

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URL Parameter Acquisition Instructions

Create a bot in DingTalk in advance and get the bot's token.

The bot URL is obtained after creating a bot in the DingTalk group - Manage Bot - Create Bot. Choose custom keywords for the security method, and the Body content value must contain these keywords.

WeChat Work Group Bot Example Contributor: @ChowRex

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Supported placeholders list

    "content": "#NEZHA#",
    "ServerName": "#SERVER.NAME#",
    "ServerIP": "#SERVER.IP#",
    "ServerIPV4": "#SERVER.IPV4#",
    "ServerIPV6": "#SERVER.IPV6#",
    "CPU": "#SERVER.CPU#",
    "MEM": "#SERVER.MEM#",
    "SWAP": "#SERVER.SWAP#",
    "DISK": "#SERVER.DISK#",
    "NetInSpeed": "#SERVER.NETINSPEED#",
    "NetOutSpeed": "#SERVER.NETOUTSPEED#",
    "TransferIn": "#SERVER.TRANSFERIN#",
    "TranferOut": "#SERVER.TRANSFEROUT#",
    "Load1": "#SERVER.LOAD1#",
    "Load5": "#SERVER.LOAD5#",
    "Load15": "#SERVER.LOAD15#",

This document is NOT available in English.

Group Bot Configuration Instructions - Document - WeChat Work Developer Center

  • Name: WeChat Work Group Bot
  • URL:
  • Request Method: POST
  • Request Type: JSON
  • Body:
        "msgtype": "markdown",
        "markdown": {
            "content": "# Nezha Notification\n\n\"#NEZHA#\"\n\n> Name: \"#SERVER.NAME#\"\n> IP: \"#SERVER.IP#\"\n> IPv4: \"#SERVER.IPV4#\"\nIPv6: \"#SERVER.IPV6#\"\n> CPU: \"#SERVER.CPU#\"\n> Memory: \"#SERVER.MEM#\"\n> Swap: \"#SERVER.SWAP#\"\n> Disk: \"#SERVER.DISK#\"\n> Upload Speed: \"#SERVER.NETINSPEED#\"\n> Download Speed: \"#SERVER.NETOUTSPEED#\"\n> Total Upload: \"#SERVER.TRANSFERIN#\"\n> Total Download: \"#SERVER.TRANSFEROUT#\"\n> Load1: \"#SERVER.LOAD1#\"\n> Load5: \"#SERVER.LOAD5#\"\n> Load15: \"#SERVER.LOAD15#\"\n> TCP Connection Count: \"#SERVER.TCPCONNCOUNT\"\n> UDP Connection Count: \"#SERVER.UDPCONNCOUNT\"\n\n"

You can remove or add relevant information as needed.

Matrix Notification Example

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Parameter Explanation

  • All variables starting with $ need to be replaced with your actual values.
    • YOUR_HOME_SERVER: The address of your Matrix server.
    • YOUR_NEZHA_URL: The URL of your Nezha dashboard.
    • YOUR_MATRIX_USERNAME and YOUR_MATRIX_PASSWD: Your Matrix username and password.
    • YOUR_MATRIX_TOKEN retrieval method:
      curl -XPOST -d '{"type": "m.login.password", "identifier": {"user": "$YOUR_MATRIX_USERNAME", "type": ""}, "password": "$YOUR_MATRIX_PASSWD"}' "https://$YOUR_HOME_SERVER/_matrix/client/r0/login"

Request Configuration

  • Name: Matrix
  • URL: https://$YOUR_HOME_SERVER/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/$ROOM_ID/send/
  • Request Method: POST
  • Request Type: JSON
  • Header:
      "Authorization": "Bearer $YOUR_MATRIX_TOKEN"
  • Body:
      "msgtype": "m.text",
      "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
      "formatted_body": "<html><head><title>Nezha Dashboard</title></head><body><h1><a href=\"$YOUR_NEZHA_URL\" target=\"_blank\">Nezha Dashboard</a></h1><ul><li>datetime: #DATETIME#</li><li>Message: #NEZHA#</li></ul></body></html>",
      "body": "#NEZHA#"

Usage Steps

  1. Replace Variables: Replace $YOUR_HOME_SERVER, $YOUR_NEZHA_URL, $YOUR_MATRIX_USERNAME, $YOUR_MATRIX_PASSWD, and $YOUR_MATRIX_TOKEN with your own values.
  2. Retrieve Token: Use the curl command provided above to get YOUR_MATRIX_TOKEN, making sure to replace all relevant variables.
  3. Configure Request: Set up your request using the configuration provided above, ensuring the correct URL, headers, and body are used.
  4. Send Notification: Send the Matrix message using the configured request to integrate Nezha monitoring notifications into your Matrix room.

Once configured, you will receive formatted Nezha dashboard information in your Matrix room whenever a notification is triggered.

Notification Rule Explanation

Basic Rules

  • type: You can choose one or more types. If multiple types are selected in one rule, all selected types must be satisfied to trigger a notification (refer to the examples below)
    • cpu, gpu, memory, swap, disk
    • net_in_speed inbound network speed, net_out_speed outbound network speed, net_all_speed total network speed, transfer_in inbound traffic, transfer_out outbound traffic, transfer_all total traffic
    • offline offline monitoring
    • load1, load5, load15 load
    • process_count process count (currently resource-intensive due to thread count, not supported temporarily)
    • tcp_conn_count, udp_conn_count connection count
    • temperature_max maximum temperature
  • duration: Duration in seconds. An notification is triggered if 30% or more of the samples exceed the threshold within this duration (to prevent data spikes).
  • min or max:
    • For traffic and network speed, the unit is bytes (1KB = 1024B, 1MB = 1024 * 1024B)
    • For memory, disk, and CPU, the unit is percentage
    • No need to set this for offline monitoring
  • cover:
    • 0 monitors all servers, use ignore to exclude specific servers
    • 1 ignores all servers, use ignore to monitor specific servers
      Example: [{"type":"offline","duration":10, "cover":0, "ignore":{"5": true}}]
  • ignore: Select specific servers to exclude, used with cover, content is server ID and boolean value, e.g., {"1": true, "2": false}

Complete Examples:

Add an offline notification:

  • Name: Offline Notification
  • Rule: [{"Type":"offline","Duration":10}]
  • Enabled: √

Add an notification for CPU usage exceeding 50% for 10 seconds and memory usage below 20% for 20 seconds:

  • Name: CPU+Memory
  • Rule: [{"Type":"cpu","Min":0,"Max":50,"Duration":10},{"Type":"memory","Min":20,"Max":0,"Duration":20}]
  • Enabled: √

Send notifications for specific servers to specific notification groups:

Scenario example:
There are 4 servers (1, 2, 3, 4) and two notification groups (A, B).
Notify group A if servers 1 and 2 are offline for 10 minutes.
Notify group B if servers 3 and 4 are offline for 10 minutes.

First, set up notification groups A and B, then add two notification rules:

Rule 1:

  • Name: 1, 2 Offline, Send to Notification Group A
  • Rule: [{"type":"offline","duration":600,"cover":1,"ignore":{"1":true,"2":true}}]
  • Notification Group: A
  • Enabled: √

Rule 2:

  • Name: 3, 4 Offline, Send to Notification Group B
  • Rule: [{"type":"offline","duration":600,"cover":1,"ignore":{"3":true,"4":true}}]
  • Notification Group: B
  • Enabled: √

Flexibly using parameters can make your notification function fully utilized

Special: Any Cycle Traffic notification

Can be used for monthly traffic monitoring

  • type:
    • transfer_in_cycle inbound traffic during the cycle
    • transfer_out_cycle outbound traffic during the cycle
    • transfer_all_cycle total traffic during the cycle
  • cycle_start: The start date of the statistical cycle (can be the start date of your server billing cycle). The time format is RFC3339, e.g., Beijing time is 2022-01-11T08:00:00.00+08:00
  • cycle_interval: The number of statistical cycle units (e.g., if the cycle unit is days, and this value is 7, it means statistics are collected every 7 days)
  • cycle_unit: Statistical cycle unit, default is hour, optional (hour, day, week, month, year)
  • min/max, cover, ignore refer to basic rule configuration


For servers with IDs 3 and 4 (defined in ignore), if the monthly outbound traffic exceeds 1TB starting from the 1st of each month, send an notification:



If you still have trouble editing rules, you can try the rule generators below to simplify the process. Note that Nezha Monitoring does not guarantee the functionality of these generated rules.

Notification Trigger Modes

  • Always Trigger: A notification is triggered every time the Agent reports a status that matches the notification rule.
  • Single Trigger: A notification is triggered only once when the status changes, such as from normal to abnormal or from abnormal to normal.

Set Tasks to Execute on notifications

If you need to execute a task while sending an notification message, you can set this item.

  • Task on Notification: The task to be executed when the notification status changes from "normal" to "event". The task should be set in the tasks page in advance.
  • Task on Recovery: The task to be executed when the notification status changes from "event" to "normal". The task should be set in the tasks page in advance.