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Serverless Telegram Bot for Nezha


Project URL:

A single-user, single-instance, multi-language private chat Nezha Telegram bot that can be deployed on Cloudflare Workers.

Inspired by


  1. Clone this project and run npm install to install dependencies.
  2. Create a Workers KV namespace using your preferred method and save its ID.
  3. Modify wrangler.toml and update the kv_namespaces field with your KV information.
  4. Modify wrangler.toml under vars:
  • NZ_BASEURL: Panel address, e.g.,
  • LANG: Language, options are en and zh-CN, default is en.
  • ENDPOINT_PATH: Route path for receiving Telegram Webhook, e.g., /endpoint.
  1. Create the following Secrets:
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: Bot token obtained from BotFather.
  • TELEGRAM_SECRET: Webhook authentication key.
  • TELEGRAM_UID: User UID, the bot will not interact with anyone other than this UID.
  • PASSWORD: Basic authentication password for register/unregister/refresh token operations.
  • NZ_USERNAME: Panel username for initial authentication and subsequent refreshes.
  • NZ_PASSWORD: Panel password for initial authentication and subsequent refreshes.
  1. Run npx wrangler deploy to deploy the project.


Access the /register route to register the Webhook and start using the bot.

If you do not need the bot temporarily, you can access /unregister to remove the Webhook.

By default, the token refresh operation is triggered every 30 minutes. You can modify this manually in wrangler.toml or access /refresh to refresh manually.